MEEA's Mission

The Maine Environmental Education Association (MEEA) facilitates and promotes environmental education in Maine through the sharing of ideas, resources, information, and cooperative programs among educators, organizations, and concerned individuals. MEEA is built on the strengths and contributions of our members. For more information about MEEA and to join our organization please visit our webpage.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Cornell University Offers Spring 2012 Online Course - Measuring Environmental Education Outcomes

Hello MEEA members,
This interesting opportunity was brought to our attention and we thought some of you may be interested in participating in this course this fall...
Spring 2012 Online Course: Measuring Environmental Education Outcomes
Apply: Jan 2, 2012 – Feb 3, 2012
Course Dates: Feb 20, 2012 – May 13, 2012
Cornell University’s Civic Ecology Lab announces an online course offered through EECapacity, the EPA-funded national environmental education program. This 12-week, non-credit professional development course will focus on identifying individual, community, and ecosystem outcomes of environmental education and exploring quantitative measures of outcomes, such as environmental behaviors, sense of place, and connectedness to nature. Limited to 16 participants.
Course webpage
Questions? Please email Tania Schusler


  1. It is good to know that there are now a lot of environmental training courses out there nowadays. People really need such education as it is one of the ways they can be aware of what is really happening.

  2. It is the best way to provide the useful information in this post.Many useful tips give in this post about online education.Thanks for useful information....

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